Velcome to molifaks

Molifaks is the new univers for creative play

We are not ready to open up for sale. So all the products, that you can see here, are all prototypes. 

Molifaks is a 3-in-1 kind of toy

In short, Molifaks is a patented buildingtoysystem, where you can build with beads in 2 or 3 dimentions. Molifaks  will consist of beads in three sizes and four structures, where the single beads can fit into each other. For every size of beads there will be connecting modules in four structures: parallel, shifted, curved and mixed. The connecting modules have connecting units on both sides for holding the beads and they only come in one size, but they are made for your to cut into what ever shape you need. 
Firstly. If you want to build upwards, you just put a bead on top of a bead with the connecting modules in between. If you only have one connecting modules per layer or the connecting modules has a overlap of at least two connecting units, the construction will be solid.
If you want to make a door, you simply just make a local turning point by using a overlap of only one connecting unit.

Secondly. If you want to build sidewards and play with it as a beadboard, you just take the connecting modules with the right structures. Cut them in shape. Fix them together with the structured bead, that fits to hold the connecting modules together in the the right position. And you will have a beadboard that fits to the picture, that you want to make. No more ironing! 

And thirdly. If you want to build something that requires the use of other elements. You just go ahead and do it. Because Molifaks is in fact made to work with, almost what ever you can think of. So fare we have used papir, carton, fishline, rubberband, micromotors, LED-light, pipecleaners and flowersticks. And if you need to cut and melt the beads -  that's allowed too.



Being creative and innovative: By adjusting and combining the Molifaks elements among themselves or with other materials or technologies, that You may see fit.

Being in charge and responsable: Molifaks encourge you to make decisions and learn from it. Every time you make a choice, new possibilities open up - and other closes.

Being free of boundaries and constriants: Everything is allowed. Nothing is forbidden. And almost everything is possible. You can cut and melt the Molifaks elements as needed.

Being environmental: Molifaks is an everlasting toy like building bricks. It is there for not to be ironed together. It consists of a few basic elements and you can build more with less, because the same bead can be a brick in the wall, a door hinger, a part of a wheel etc. Don't through away any leftovers that might occur, if you should need to cut the beads. All the elements in Molifaks are made of the same kind of plastic that you might already know from iron beads and can be melted and made into your own special Molifaks element. Finally, it is not to be thrown in the nature. It does no harm, but it will never disappear. If it should burn. It will turn into carbondioxide (CO2) and water (H2O). It would be the same as if you were burning wet wood.

Basis elements: 

Beads in three sizes: 10 mm, 5 mm and 2,5 mm and four structures. Connecting modules for every size of bead in four structures: Parallel, shifted, curved and mixed. Cabletracks to insert into the larger beads.


Molifaks is made of polyethylene (C2H4), which is perfect for making toys, because it is easy to work with and it makes no harm to the kids. Even if you accidentally somehow should swallow a bead.


Everybody from the age of 5 years and upwards. If you can use a scissor or you have someone who can use a scissor and you can put a bead on a connecting unit. Than you are ready.


We expect to start delivering to our backers from Kickstarter in September 2021 and Molifaks will be available on the marked right afterwards here on our web shop. But Corona is the dark horse and can delay the project.

Thise beads and connecting modules are 3D-printed and represent the Molifaks concept. They are not similar to the beads and connecting modules, that we have been used to make all the constructions. Because we had to work backwards, and start with the beads that was available and make the connecting modules fit.

Molifaks - Building in 3-dimensions

By cutting the connecting modules into the right shape you can put a bead on top of a bead, into a bead and beside a bead. And building houses, towers, boats and the like.

Molifaks - Building in 2 dimensions

By cutting the connecting modules into the right shape you can make your own special beadboard, that fits perfect to what ever you want to make. You can put beads on both sides of the connecting modules and make different editions of the same picture and you can play even furthermore with the expression and colorfulness of your picture by putting beads into beads.

Molifaks - Building with everything

Molifaks can be altered by cutting and melting and combined with almost everything. You can use flower sticks to make a marble track and if you add fishing line, rubber band, micromotor you will be able to make a Ferris wheel. If you cut and melt the beads they can become what ever you want: Flag, flower, palm tree etc.